sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013


Enc: Tell A Friend: Shell, Take Responsibility for Your Oil Spills!


----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
De: "Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts" <actionalerts@care2.com>
Para: ciomara rodrigues <ciomararodrigues@yahoo.com.br>
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 30 de Agosto de 2013 22:17
Assunto: Tell A Friend: Shell, Take Responsibility for Your Oil Spills!

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Dear ciomara,

Thanks so much for signing the petition reminding Shell that it can't dodge responsibility for the damages it's caused in Nigeria. Now, please ask your friends and family to sign the petition, too.

Thousands of Nigerians' lives have been destroyed over the years by the wells' pollution. Now, some of those people are suing the corporation to ask for justice. So far, though, Shell is continuing to argue about just how much damage it's liable for.

Since the corporation has raked in vast profits at the expense of Nigeria's people and environment, it should, at the very least, provide compensation to the victims. That's why I'm asking you to keep the petition's momentum going by sharing it through email with your friends and family, posting it on Facebook, and sending this tweet asking your network to join you.

Here's a quick message you can copy and send to rally support:
Hi -

Did you know that almost all the oil wells in Nigeria are owned by Shell? I signed a petition saying that they should take responsibility for all the spills their operations have caused in the country since the 1970s. Will you join me?

Some of the Nigerians whose lives have been destroyed by oil pollution are suing Shell for the damages. But the corporation is having none of it. It keeps arguing about how much destruction it's responsible for. Meanwhile, thousands of Nigerians have suffered and are continuing to suffer from the consequences of the oil industry.

Shell should compensate ALL of the victims of pollution from its wells in Nigeria. Will you sign this petition reminding them of that, too?


Thank you for taking action,

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